Aware of Air Art Competition

Theme: Pollution


First Place Winners:

Artist Statement:

" My art shows a little boy escaping from the smoke and finding his way to fresh air. The boy was very much lifeless and pale but as soon as he touched the hand (mother nature in the form of a tree and its roots lending her hand to bring him into a pollution-free world) he started to get his life back. Without trees, human life doesn’t exist. A single tree absorbs 48 pounds of carbon dioxide and releases 260 pounds of oxygen every year through photosynthesis "

Artist Statement:

" This piece of art shows the bright life of a small butterfly affected by pollution. Pollution breaks the shell of a beautiful butterfly. Behind the shell is a sad and unlively creature. It slowly starts to crack and its color withers away. Behind the glass screen shows how the butterfly feels and how such a small creature is affected by pollution. Many may think that its just one creature and it shouldn’t matter but- it does matter. All creatures feel like their outer shell is being cracked. Underneath the beauty of the original creature, the butterfly is uncolorful and struggling "

Artist Statement:

" manifest - to show a feeling by one’s actions. marine - found in the ocean. two words that go together because we are replacing marine life with floating, permanent plastic. i manifest a beautiful, glowing ocean not a murky, dull one. life will remain, plastic will retreat. "

Title: N/A
Age Group: 6-8 years old
Artist: Rishika Chidurala (Entry 22)

Title: Broken Shardz
Age Group: 9-12 years old
Artist: Mahika Bansal (Entry 15)

Title: my marine manifesation
Age Group: 13+ years old
Artist: Prisha Agarwal (Entry 12)

Second Place Winners:

Age Group: 6-8 years old
Artist: Zoya Eshwar (Entry 9)

Title: Time is Ticking
Age Group: 9-12 years old
Artist: Sneha Shah (Entry 20)

Title: Tainted Nature
Age Group: 13+ years old
Artist: Dhreeti Taneja (Entry 16)

Artist’s Statement:

" I am TREES and I MATTER BECAUSE I give food, clothing, houses and oxygen. I am homes for lots of animals and birds. Without me the oxygen levels will drop. I give oxygen to at least 4 people in a day, Don't you think I’m worth saving? "

Artist’s Statement:

" My oil paint of an hourglass shows that we are polluting the world and are running out of time. The glaciers are melting and the animals are dying. There are more natural disasters that are caused by humans. My painting expresses that we humans are doing something very bad to the world and we must take action to stop it. "

Artist’s Statement:

" Nine out of ten people worldwide breathed polluted air. Seven million people die each year from exposure to polluted air. More than forty percent of the world's population do not have access to clean cooking fuels and technologies in their houses. This is the reality of the world today. This illustration serves as a warning for all generations, that if our entire community does not work towards creating a healthy environment, all that will be left of the world is a dull image of what once used to be. "

Third Place Winners:

Title: Let us all Breathe!
Age Group: 6-8 years old
Artist: Venba Mukuntan (Entry 21)

Age Group: 9-12 years old
Artist: Khushi Garg (Entry 3)

Title: Mother Nature
Age Group: 13+ years old
Artist: Monisha Krothapalli (Entry 19)

Artist’s Statement:

" In this picture I have shown the difference in air quality when using renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. I think it is our responsibility to respect, maintain and work towards having clean air and a sustainable environment so that all living beings can enjoy our beautiful home called earth "

Artist’s Statement:

"NATURE IS PAINTING FOR US, DAY AFTER DAY, A PICTURE OF INFINITE BEAUTY. But it's up to us to decide which FACE of Mother Earth would you like to show to your kids? Do you want them to smell the flowers, see the colors, learn about the various animals, and enjoy the most natural beauty there is? Do you want them to breathe clean air and drink clean water? Is that too much for them to ask? THE FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS"

Artist’s Statement:

"My artwork depicts mother nature being surrounded by the black smoke of pollution which starts to turn the trees atop of her head black as well. It depicts how we need to stop ruining our environment in order to stop the slow poisoning of mother earth "

Certificate of Merit:

Title: Sea animals are in trouble
Age Group: 6-8 years old
Artist: Rukaia Hassan (Entry 18)

Title: Type of Bag can save the Ocean
Age Group: 9-12 years old
Artist: Gaurangi Gupta (Entry 13)

Artist’s Statement:

" Sea animals are in trouble, let's stop the pollution"

Artist’s Statement:

"My painting shows a person carrying a plastic bag. The plastic bag represents the ocean and a fish is trapped inside. A plastic bag is stuck on its head making it the bag's victim. The person is the injurer since the person is the consumer of the bag. Dead coral reefs, fish bones and more plastic bags lie on the ocean floor, showing how seriously the ocean is damaged. Finally, the background is full of colorful people carrying reusable bags, showing the solution for saving our ocean.Recently, the Washington state has started charging 0.8cents for plastic bag which will encourage people to get their own reusable bag. This is one step closer to save the ocean."